We want to make learning about our natural environment as fun and easy as possible. So with the help of our team and some clever design folk, we have created these resource packs, free to download for everyone. Uncover the secret life of trees or take on one of our spine chilling challenges.

Key Stage 1-2

Key Stage 3-4

Have you visited our YouTube channel?

Don’t miss all of our family activity videos, from origami snowdrops to how to make soil, they’re all free to watch on YouTube. Click the link or search for ‘Markshall Estate’.

Visit our YouTube

Worksheets to use at home/school

  • Why do some trees blossom?

    Key Stage 1

  • Why do some trees blossom?

    Key Stage 2

  • Threats to bees and other pollinators

    Key Stage 1

  • Threats to bees and other pollinators

    Key Stage 2

  • What is recycling?

    Key Stage 2

  • Climate change and COP26

    Key Stage 3

  • How does climate change affect plants?

    Key Stage 2 and 3

  • Learning timeline: The Domesday Book

    Key Stage 2 and 3
