We know that Markshall Estate is a special place for many people; a place of shared memories and shared enjoyment. That’s why we have set up different ways for you and your family to remember a loved one every time you visit.

Donate to a bulb planting scheme

By donating to a bulb planting scheme in the Arboretum not only will you be supporting the future of the Arboretum but you will also have a long-lasting tribute to a loved one that you can visit time and time again.

Speak with our Team to find out more.

If you would like to make a significant donation or leave a legacy towards a larger planting or other project in the Markshall Estate Arboretum please get in touch to discuss.

Purchase a bench

Purchase a bench in the Arboretum and you will have a space to relax and remember your loved one every time you visit. The bench will be situated within an area of the Arboretum with an inscription of your choice. We source high-quality teak benches, manufactured by craftsmen from a local firm, which have an anticipated lifespan of 10 years.

Speak with our Team to find out more.

Scattering ashes

We know how special Markshall Estate is to you and we are often approached by many of you who would like to scatter the ashes of your loved ones in the Arboretum.

This is a very personal decision and each enquiry is treated with care and on an individual basis. Please do get in touch to discuss your needs.